MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: February 9, 2021 838
Snohomish County says it is making slow but steady progress in the drive to vaccinate more people against COVID-19. Now, about one of every 10 residents has received their first vaccine dose. The county says that getting an adequate vaccine supply is still frustrating its efforts and the tens of thousands of people who want the shots.
Speaking during the county’s weekly COVID-19 briefing, County Health Officer Dr. Chris Spitters told reporters that 21,000 doses will be administered: 10,000 to people getting their first shot; the other 11,000 will receive their second. That is still far from the 45,000 shots the county says it could do every week if it had enough vaccine. The population now eligible for the vaccine is 10 times higher than the number of shots available. Spitters says those figures are comparable to what other states are seeing.