risk of thrombosiss, the jnj vaccine warrants limiting that vaccine to quoteos those eighteen plus four other approved vaccines are not accessible or clinically appropriate. now more than 90 million people would be taken that vaccine.pr they were sure that it was completely safe that does not appear to be true. now lots of medicines have side effects. s not the vaccines are not the only medicines a side effect they all do. the lying about it that s so infuriating and the fact that it was mandatory pfizer millions people took pfizer.pfi. we re learning a lot more about pfizer s vaccine in the 2020 one report to the fda. pfizer rejected adverse reaction reports from the database and other similar databases from sixty two countries in that report, the number of doses shipped the worldwide is redact? why would they redact that ? why don t we have a right? they made people take it, but without that number you can t really put n the adverse events into context, which is the point of redactin