Not every nation in the world is abiding by the Vaccine Industrial Complex rule that no matter how dangerous a vaccine proves to be, all institutions must declare that every vaccine ever created is always 100 percent safe and 100 percent effective. In fact, in Germany and Switzerland, scientists conducted an in-depth cohort examination of […]
One surefire way to prove the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shots are responsible for millions of suspected "unexplainable" sudden deaths, especially among healthy and young people, [.]
Authorities in Australia are informing the 25 million people of the nation that they are "eligible" for a 5th COVID shot, as a "booster," if they have not been jabbed in the [.]
Dirty "vaccines" have never been dirtier than the ones created for Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and released to start a pandemic, and this is no conspiracy theory [.]
An alarming trend in cancer rates skyrocketing for perfectly healthy people has garnered major attention, even in reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals. What is being termed [.]