who knows, it likely saved my life and saved the lives of my loved ones and colleagues, and that s something we have to be deeply grateful about, but now we have to figure out how to close these horrible gaps in the united states, because of vaccine refusal and vaccine defiance, and globally, because we ve not made enough of these vaccines and our vaccine will be released soon for emergency use in india. that s pending, and we re very excited about that making a contribution. so still a lot of work to do at the same time. peter, thanks for being with us. you and i have spent the better part now of two years almost talking about this and you ve been very, very helpful to our viewers and to the nation. dr. peter hotez, who is truly one of the smartest people around when it comes to these vaccines. we appreciate you being with us again. i want to bring you back here to mayfield, kentucky, and take a look at what s going on. i think we may have a drone up there that can give us a shot of
it s progress. all these things help. we have a much larger issue. it will take us a long time to unwind. by doing black friday early, it moves that inventory out and helps to clear up some of the logjam. we ll leave it there. steve, thank you very much. appreciate it. have a great morning. now i have to plan and i m not going to get any deals. you can go early. you can go to 7-eleven and cvs. maybe write me a card this year. you don t have to get me anything. that s more than you ve gotten the last two years. i think you got me booze last year. that was good. see how that ended up. all right. vaccine defiance. half of chicago s police force is at risk of being put on unpaid leave. what that could mean for a city that has seen a big spike in violent crime.
resonant, is she is a republican. this is a republican governor saying stop making yourself die and others as well. get the vaccine. i cannot teach you common sense. my gosh. i m moved by it and i hope it helps. i really do. let s look at this recent editorial entitled the case for vaccine mandates. this is the bloomberg arguing that hospitals, nursing homes and other businesses should require their employees to be inoculated writing in much of america vaccine hesitancy has turned into vaccine defiance. president biden should go beyond cojoling the vaccine hesitant and call on hops and nursing homes across the u.s. to insist their employees get their shots. the health care industry is the