The plan builds on the input gathered from more than 20 stakeholder interviews, three public workshops with more than 400 participants (digital and in person), multiple design team charrettes, consultation with the New Milford Town Council, and guidance from the Riverfront Revitalization Committee and Brownfield Area-Wide Revitalization Planning Grant Committee who met regularly over the year-long-plus process.
I love Connecticut and I'm doing my level best to keep it nice but my wallet is screaming and the horizon looks terrifying. Seniorly News set out to find the least expensive retirement states in America and in doing so, also identified the country's most expensive retirement spots. Let's start with the positive,
Now, the legend will go to a whole new level, as the Mayor has agreed to compete in a local dance competition. The event is called Dancing with Our Stars, it's a charity fundraiser for the Hillside Food Outreach
Finally, we heard from the Chair of the Democratic Town Committee in Brookfield, Aaron Zimmer. Zimmer was a guest on the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Show on Tuesday (2/14/23) and said the 5G tower is less of a question, and more of certainty that poses no risk to the community. We asked Zimmer his thoughts on the 5G Tower, this was his response: