don t know that and your opinion leader. why are you saying like that that you don t know is that s totally irresponsible. why would you say them like tha that? i wouldn t let elizabeth warren get to you. tucker: why would night? she s parroted by the rest of you. not by me, but it would be concerned with the fbi director is investigating someone in that person fires them, that s of concern and he is the third federal prosecutor s been fired by this president who is looking into the white house or the vice president. tucker: was trump this may be breaking news, i didn t know he was a subject of investigation by the fbi. i don t think we know that either. i think the fbi director has made perfectly clear that the trump campaign and a bunch of people around the president are being investigated. tucker: you just that he was investigating trump but i didn t know that. you acknowledge that the rest of us were unaware of? tell me what you meant. will tell you exactly what i m
wouldn t you? why do you think he didn t take it seriously? i don t know but i would never claim that i know his motive because i don t. how would you? i would tell you that there ve been and also a lot of reports that the trump white house was surprised by the response to this. there are reports that people actually thought democrats would be excited about the removal of james comey. and everybody would jump in line and everybody would be happy. i don t know and you don t either whether that is the case, but there s certainly been an awful lot of talk about that today and again, if you re going to remove the director of the fbi, wouldn t it be wise to take that step but have thought it through enough to have a replacement ready? tucker: i don t know. i guess he be criticized for preemptive replacement of the fbi director prayed i don t know paid i m not a political strategist. i just think that we should all engage in more temperate rhetoric and i hope you ll join me in that. than
and this is the white house speaking. tucker: you don t believe a thing they say. neither of us knows exactly what happened. in the interest of informing your viewers, the white house just said that the president watch the directors testimony, became concerned about it, and met with the attorney general who was supposed to be recused on the deputy attorney. that was unknown or just an hour ago. tucker: i remain in the dark as to all the details as d du. i m not pretending that i understand the motives of people with whom i haven t spoken. were out of time. thank you for joining us. congresswoman maxine waters of los angeles has become a hero on the left because she is willing to call people she doesn t like bigots. up next, will investigate her own record on race relations. it s remarkable. stay tuned. i let go of all those feelings.
world s most powerful law enforcement agency? i am glad that he is gone. i think he did a terrible job and i m happy to agree with you on that but i do think we should be careful when that person is also performing an investigation and he is fired abruptly without warning and that firing is unprecedented in american history. with better is to have a replacement in place who was a qualified person to take over or to do it in a more professional way. why do you fire without worrying? why would you fire jim calmly without warning? it s equally disrespectful to the fbi, really important counterterrorism investigations, organized crime investigations. why would you knock out the leader without any opportunity to do a transition, to help the replacement learn from what he s doing? it s very disruptive. tucker: again, we don t know why he did it. you don t either. can i stop you right there? the white house an hour ago just said more about why they did it,
we now know because the white house just senate the president met with the attorney general who was supposed to be recused and the deputy attorney general on monday expresses concerns about jim, his testimony about russia and concluded that he should go and then the deputy attorney general went back and wrote that memo. that wasn t their story this morning. they just admitted it. i take that seriously. i m not in charge of the white house story line thank heaven. i merely an american citizen and jim, the other day before congress made it statement to the effect of i like a loretta lynch. i m not attacking her personally. to me, that sums up the problem with jim, he. his personal feelings about any person, attorney general, former senator from new york henry clinton, anybody should play by definition no role in his job or the fbi director. this guy was a compromise fbi director fred i m not saying that of the partisan, i m saying that as an american. i know you agree with me, so why sho