Leonard from the house of representatives except that he will be going first on rebuttal and ill be going last. To start with the issues raised in the courts supplemental briefing, we think state defendants were clearly injured by the judgment alone and therefore have standing to appeal. You might want to move the microphone. Youre not is this better, your honor . I think so. Latter. I will speak louder, your honor. Thank you. After the supplement of briefing, it is now clear all parties agreed this court has Appellate Jurisdiction because the federal government is now committed to continue enforcing the Affordable Care act until a Court Finally orders it not to do so. The federal executive asserts legal harm from the courts order even though they now welcome participation of the state and house of representatives ensures that there will be an adversarial presentation of the issues in this case. Turning to the other issues in this case, the central feature of this appeal is when congre