The prices of food items have reached a new high since November 2011, with the meat subgroup showing the biggest increase, says the statistics department
Consumers now have to pay more to fill their bellies. Data from the department of statistics Malaysia shows that the prices of 89.1% of all food items recorded increases in April
The consumer price index (CPI) increased moderately by 2.2% to 125.2 in February 2022 from 122.5 in the same month of the preceding year, driven mainly by the increase in food inflation, the statistics department said today
Malaysia's Consumer Price Index (CPI) in November 2021 increased 3.3 percent year-on-year to 124 points (Illustrative photo: statistician at the DoSM Dr Uzir Mahidin said the rise was influenced primarily by higher prices of raw materials for cooking. The price of chicken, which is the largest component of meat and the main source of protein for Malaysians, increased by 16.7 percent as a result of global higher prices of feed for animals, he said.Uzir said fish prices also recorded an increase. Milk, cheese and eggs were up by 4.2 percent, while the average price of vegetables rose by 3.4 percent compared to the same period last year. In addition, fuel prices remained high at 27.6 percent and electricity cost surged by 34.6 percent after the electricity discount was discontinued in September.As for the CPI by states, he noted that all states recorded an increase in the month, with nine states surpassing the national CPI rate and the highest being Tere