Two Twitter handles of the Uttar Pradesh government and the state information department were hacked briefly on Monday, officials said. Both the accounts have been restored. The verified Twitter handle of the Government of Uttar Pradesh (@UPGovt), which has 2.7 million followers, was hacked for around 10 minutes, a senior official told PTI. A fact check Twitter handle operated by the information department @InfoUPFactCheck was also hacked. The @InfoUPFactCheck handle is followed by over
A fact check Twitter handle operated by the information department @InfoUPFactCheck was also hacked. The @InfoUPFactCheck handle is followed by over 24,000 people. In the early hours of Saturday, the official Twitter handle of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister s Office was hacked briefly. 📰 Twitter Handles of Uttar Pradesh Govt, State Information Department Hacked Briefly.