Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh T S Singh Deo on Wednesday alleged that efforts are being made through Uniform Civil Code to create polarization in the name of the Muslim community as well as create a division of votes on the "pretext of Hindu and Muslim"."Efforts are being made to create polarization in the name of the Muslim community through this means (UCC) so that votes get divided. They (apparently referring to BJP) talk only about Hindu-Muslim so that they can win the elections," the Deputy CM stated in Raipur on Tuesday. Singh Deo was responding to Uttar Pradesh Minorities Commission Chairperson Ashfaq Saifi's remarks, that those who were opposing the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code, were opposing the development, education & equality of Muslims."After the result of Karnataka elections, conscious voters will cast their votes by keeping several things in mind and they will not get into these emotional things," Deo added. &q
Attempts to create polarisation through Uniform Civil Code : Chhattisgarh Deputy CM TS Singh Deo - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.