As a Hindu priest performed Sagar Ghimire’s funeral rites Sunday, several of his family members, including his father, watched through video chat, due to COVID-19 restrictions in Nepal.
Three crises threaten human survival, Chomsky warns
The world is facing a confluence of three major crises that threaten the survival of humanity, and internationalism, solidarity and education are the only way to solve them, according to the linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky.
He was talking to the STAR (Society of Transnational Academic Researchers) Scholars Network conference, “Shaping a Humane World: Higher education perspectives”, held online on 8 December, at which he presented the inaugural A Noam Chomsky Global Connections Awards, which recognise individuals with a “deep impact on advancing global, social mobility” via transnational research and human connections.
“We cannot overlook the fact that we are in a unique moment of human history. Humans have been on earth for a few hundred thousand years. They are an astonishing miracle, the results of many pure accidents… for the first time in four billion years on earth, creatures who can ponder the types of q