Is this the Planning Department that we the citizens of San Francisco are paying for . Were playing for a Planning Department that is not examining the cost of transportation and the dangers of transportation increasing the gridlock. You are responsible for this. Frankly, again, as i raised earlier, the mayor and the developers are running San Francisco and they dont give a damn as long as they can make profit by building more construction. This is insane. Its outrageous. The fact you have nothing to say about it, you dont get to the specifics tells me you really dont care either about what is going on in San Francisco. The gridlock is a responsibility of the Planning Department. You are improving more and more construction, Mass Construction without agreeing there should be transportation, proper transportation. Thats political incompetence and malfeasance in my view. Where is the Planning Commission . Where is the director of planning in San Francisco about the gridlock . What is you
Damn as long as they can make profit by building more construction. This is insane. Its outrageous. The fact you have nothing to say about it, you dont get to the specifics tells me you really dont care either about what is going on in San Francisco. The gridlock is a responsibility of the Planning Department. You are improving more and more construction, Mass Construction without agreeing there should be transportation, proper transportation. Thats political incompetence and malfeasance in my view. Where is the Planning Commission . Where is the director of planning in San Francisco about the gridlock . What is your solution in 2050 . Can we get by next year with all this new construction . All this new construction in San Francisco is going to add massively to a transportation gridlock but its not on your radar. Again, where is the Planning Commissioner is the executive director of planning . Whats their plan for all the new construction. Is it a massive transit, a Public Transit bei
Commissioner mandelman . Mandelman present. Commissioner mar . Present. Missioner p. E. S. . Commission ronen . Commissioner ronen present. Commissioner stefani. Walton present. Commissioner yee . Yee absent. We have a quorum. Thank you, mr. Quintanilla. Colleagues, our board president , commissioner, supervisor norman yee is representing all of us today across the street at the earthquake safety fair, the department of building inspection has put on. So can we have a motion to excuse commissioner yee, made by commissioner mandelman, seconded by commissioner brown and take that without objection. Next item, please. Clerk item 2. Citizens Advisory Committee report. This is an information item. Mr. Larson. Oh, mr. Larson. Hello. Thank you very much, chairman peskin, as well as members. Im the vice chair Festival Community Action Committee for Transit Authority and i would love to give you a quick brief from the meeting on the 22nd of may and try to correlate that also with your own agend
We are creating the candidate pool doing selections from the candidate pool and bringing those staff in and selecting who we are going to offer employment to. Final category being staff that has been on boarded. That number is 84. That includes people and this number is much larger than it was two weeks ago. That including people who have either been offered a job and accepted and we have at least tentative start work date for people who have already started work. These are positions that have been onboarded from december 2022 to the present. Those 84 positions have started or will start work scheduled in january or february. We are pleased with that progress that we are seeing some movement in getting selections made and staff on boarded. As you can see from that middle column we have a large amount of work to do over the next 60 days to make those selections and get people onboarded in the system. I will pause and turn this over to dr. Cummings to answer specifically your questions a
We are creating the candidate pool doing selections from the candidate pool and bringing those staff in and selecting who we are going to offer employment to. Final category being staff that has been on boarded. That number is 84. That includes people and this number is much larger than it was two weeks ago. That including people who have either been offered a job and accepted and we have at least tentative start work date for people who have already started work. These are positions that have been onboarded from december 2022 to the present. Those 84 positions have started or will start work scheduled in january or february. We are pleased with that progress that we are seeing some movement in getting selections made and staff on boarded. As you can see from that middle column we have a large amount of work to do over the next 60 days to make those selections and get people onboarded in the system. I will pause and turn this over to dr. Cummings to answer specifically your questions a