Headed to capitol hill tomorrow. Also, tomorrow marks a very key day in the russia inquiry. Acting secretary will reveal warnings she says she issued about National Security adviser mike flynn. That is all in our show. But the lead story here is france electing a new president with the ramifications for the United States, europe, as well as russia. The 39yearold is a first time candidate who beat out frances dominant political party. An n. American terms this is the equivalent of a Third Party Candidate beating the republican and democratic sikts. His win is cheered by european progressives. He backs the multilateralism of the eu. That is maureen le pen who cam panld against the concept of a utd europe. Her father founded her father long known for the hard edge politics and bigotry. Macron defeating le pen with twothirds of the vote. Le pens defiance could not obscure the message that french voters sent today. They said enough to the pop lift right global wave and they were clearly unm
since trump s he leection in november of last year, there have been six campaigns in europe featuring nationalist candidates. and all six of them since donald trump s election have underperformed their polling. i think it s quite possible that we re seeing voters in europe and france look westward and making and head together voting booths and making a determination this is not what they want in their home countries. david? what i find interesting and we can t compare what is happening there to what is happening in the united states because we re americans and we re pretty self centered. but in that instance you have macron. he was an outside candidate. he had been from the establishment. he had been economic minister, the socialist government, but he ran an outside anti-establishment candidacy. but not using hate or fear. in fact, he campaigned against hate and fear that he started being exploited by maureen le
so. and then donald trump is heading to europe for the nato leader summit in about three weeks. macron will be there as well. this hacking story is very important. the hacking didn t have the desired infect about it hackers. macron still won. but it s still an incredibly important story because as if expected, the russians were behind it. this story is going to continue. i talked to a nato expert earlier this week who was saying, you know, donald trump need to talk about the russian hacking and say it a problem. as you know, donald trump has been saying, you know this is a nonstory. but we have to see what macron says going forward now that we can get into the bottom of we can get to the bottom of this hacking story now that the election is over. it is still a huge, huge issue. david? i agree with that. i also think it s foolish to think that donald trump will say anything. he s had literally thousands of opportunities during the campaign and after the campaign
pen and the national front. wait that trump was ab outsider and not really but acted as one, he took that outsider. but he also said we can come together and make the system work. and still be part of europe, have a positive vision. not dump on immigrants. and not exploit hate and fear. it was opposite of donald trump. it was very fascinating to watch. and i still think, you know, ned is right in what he said, but maureen le pen getting 35% of the vote is still something to worry about. especially when you look at the bigotry and anti-semitism that is under the history of the national front. and the fact that, you know, you had as many people pointed out, erin, the first time for france that you had the two nonmajor parties in the runoff. so while there might be a conservative benefit to the instirvegts, there is clearly an anti-establishment one. listen to le pen here directly invoking donald trump. translator: donaltrump has