Welcome, Holly! I’m very pleased to welcome Holly Richardson as the new editor of UtahPolicy.com. She’s already doing a great job and I’m enjoying slowing down a little. I hope Holly will make her mark on the newsletter, shake things up, and take it to the next level. It’s her baby, from here on. However, you won’t be rid of me entirely, because I’ll still write a couple of times a week.
Val Hale talks about career highlights. Val Hale has been running the Governor’s Office of Economic Development for 6.5 years. He leaves next month for new adventures. Hale reflects on his years at GOED, especially as it relates to international business, in this interview with Julia Breinholt-Pappas from World Trade Center Utah.
SALT LAKE CITY A coalition of more than 40 national Latino groups is urging President-elect Joe Biden to appoint former National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen Garcia the next secretary of education.
A letter by the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda obtained by KSL says Eskelsen Garcia is the ideal candidate to lead the U.S. Department of Education in a new direction from the previous destructive practices and policies of the Trump administration.
The letter touts her experience as a public school teacher, union leader and her long history of promoting equity and civil rights in schools. Prior to serving six years as the leader of the nation s largest teacher union and other NEA leadership positions, Eskelsen Garcia was president of the Utah Education Association and a Utah public school teacher.