DWR Press Release Three new conservation projects geared toward helping Utah’s native cutthroat trout were recently selected for this year, funded by the Utah Cutthroat Slam. The projects were selected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited the organizations that started the Utah Cutthroat Slam. Launched in April 2016, the slam is a fishing challenge
DWR News Release While some people may not be thinking about hunting or fishing during December, there are still plenty of opportunities to do both this time of year. So, why not surprise your friends or family with a Utah fishing or hunting license for Christmas or pay for their registration fee for a hunting
DWR News Release SALT LAKE CITY The 1,000th completion of the Utah Cutthroat Slam took place on Sept. 12, marking a huge milestone for the fishing challenge that helps fund conservation efforts for native cutthroat trout in Utah. Launched by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited in April 2016, the slam
DWR News Release Two new conservation projects geared toward helping Utah’s native cutthroat trout were announced Jan. 18 during an annual Utah Cutthroat Slam meeting. The projects were selected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Trout Unlimited, the organizations that started the Utah Cutthroat Slam. Launched in April 2016, the slam is a […]