including some top secret material. the documents first appeared on online platforms, such as twitter, lichan and telegram, as well on the messaging platform discord. the leak reveals information about the deployment and state of ukrainian and russian forces ahead of a ukrainian spring offensive, and appear to outline us training and equipment being provided to ukraine ahead of that offensive. there are also suggestions that ukraine s air force may not be able to withstand more russian attack. may not be able to withstand more russian attacks. other leaked material included intelligence on other countries such as china, israel, and south korea. officials say they do not currently know the source of the leaks. the bbc s barbara plett usher has more. the pentagon says the us is still very much into the finding out phase. we are told this is a serious risk to us national security and a matter of top priority. a number of government agencies are working together to find out how t
these are pretty significant drills. the us and philippines have been holding this military exercise every year for decades, but these are the largest so far and they are double the size of last year s drills. what is also significant of course is their taking place on the same way china held those military drills near taiwan. the us has already reacted to those drills by sending the uss millis on a freedom of navigation operation near the contested spratly islands on the south china sea. these drills will further ratchet up tensions in the region, it must be noted that china s significant claims in the south china sea clash with those of most other countries in the region, the philippines is no exception. these exercises are important way for the philippines, manila to china that it will not stand idly by as paging claims more of its territory our correspondence, joao da silva, reporting from singapore. thanks for that update.