No dio opción a ningún rival.
Dominó la prueba de principio a fin para proclamarse campeón de España de 400 metros al aire libre. El astudillano Óscar Husillos voló este mismo domingo por la mañana sobre la pista de del polideportivo municipal Juan de la Cierva en Getafe para demostrar, una vez más, que está en un gran estado de forma y que va a llegar a los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio en muy buenas condiciones.
su mejor tiempo de la temporada, parando el cronómetro en 45,37. Junto a él, subieron al podio los jovencísimos Bernat Erta (45,69 –mejor marca personal–) y Javier Sánchez (45,96 –mejor marca personal–). Samuel García, cuarto en la final, también bajó de los 46 segundos, con 45,96. Precisamente el canario protagonizó la salida nula de la prueba y recibió una amarilla.
that s something i have written that explains the problems and lays out a solution according to which we own our own data and we contribute to a common pool. it tears down the sillos and makes it possible for different apps to talk to each other. tucker: and disempowers some of the worst people in america. larry sanger, thank you. i hope this makes a difference. are you going to strike? tucker: of course! i am already on strike! i don t use social media. [laughing]. good to see you. for years antifa has rioted in the streets and hurt people. the left ignores them or cheers them on, on cnn. they nearly murdered a journalist over the weekend. that journalist just got out of the hospital and joins us next.
it can divide us. me recognizing that you are different than me is not the same thing as saying i hate what is different from me. we don t have to embrace that to embrace the fact there is something good about me in the skin i am. laura: i agree. when we are talking about identity politics, i think the message can t be sillos that don t talk to each other. what do we have in command? laura: i agree with you. i think there is something we can agree on. no one wants to say that in cable news. leo, i can never understand what it s like to be an african-american woman. i can t put my shoes in someone else. i don t look down on people because of skin colors. we might disagree on things. that s okay. what i don t like is when people say because you are not that,