after a whistle-blower claims the company misled facebook user toes collect their personal data. that sounds spooky and it was kind of spooky, actually. where it wasn t that spooky six years ago in 2012. the obama administration found itself congratulated by the media for how it gathered facebook data in order to marshal votes. one obama adviser says facebook let them break the company rules because, they were on our side. beverly holberg is president of district media group and she joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. the core story here is shocking or no? not as shocking as liberals want it to sound. we really have liberals going after the story saying there is something here, this is a trump campaign who figured out a way to mind data they shouldn t have. what the trump campaign did is what the obama campaign did, what the hillary campaign did. what this is about is facebook who was the poor actor. this is all before 2014 where