According to data from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis, Americans saved only 3.6% of their disposable income for the month of February. This is down from the 5.4% amount a decade ago and much lower.
Flipping houses has been a strategic way for individuals to make money for years. According to ATTOM, a leading provider of property data nationwide, home flippers saw an average of $66,000 in returns.
As alluring as it may seem to shop for real estate at relatively cheap prices, not all metros are created equal. The old saying "location, location, location" should still remain top of mind for savvy.
Depending on where you live, earning a $100,000 salary might cover most of a three-bedroom home purchase or it may not be anywhere near enough money to put toward buying a house with this many.
Many young professionals today feel pressure to stop "throwing away money on rent" and become homeowners as soon as possible. The reality, however, is that homeownership brings with it increased.