Gold prices in the national capital hit an all-time high on Monday and jumped Rs 350 to Rs 71,700 per 10 grams following a pick-up in safe-haven demand for the precious metal, according to HDFC Securities.
Keka HR, the market leading HR tech platform for SME businesses in India, raised $1.6MN non-dilutive growth capital through Recur Club, a new-age subscription-based financing platform. Keka HR & Recur Club As an HR payroll software, Keka puts employees at the centre of
The rupee witnessed range-bound trading in initial deals against the US dollar on Wednesday, as the support from positive macroeconomic data was negated by elevated crude oil prices.
The currency was weighed down by dollar demand from local oil companies. Thai baht and Chinese yuan weaken. Importers pressure rupee. Forex trader mentions foreign banks selling dollars. Derivative contracts cause turmoil.