The ramifications of uneven increases to fees in chapter 11 bankruptcies continue to ripple through federal courts. As we discussed previously, Congress enacted.
Although the use of cannabis has been legalized in approximately 39 states and the District of Columbia¹ , cannabis is still illegal federally and classified as a Schedule I drug under.
Although the use of cannabis has been legalized in approximately 39 states and the District of Columbia , cannabis is still illegal federally and classified as a Schedule I drug.
Voyager Digital, in its bankruptcy filling pleaded to court on August 2nd that, it needs to pay additional bonuses to nearly 40 employees of the company, who are the essential blocks of the operations. The proposal was labelled “Key Employee Retention Plan.” As soon as the company filed its plea at the court, it started getting a lot of backlash from the creditors. Let’s look at the creditors vows and how did they finally agree to the plea and then the court goes on to give green signal for the plan.