Photo from Copper Mountain Resort
Philanthropy is running high in Summit County.
Copper Mountain Resort’s Play It Forward Wednesdays program ended this month, raising $67,640 in the span of 13 weeks for 13 nonprofits. Each nonprofit received $5 per online lift ticket purchased on select Wednesdays.
Though it raised less than the inaugural Play Forever Fridays last season, which brought in more than $69,000, Copper considers it a success.
“We are really happy with that number,” Copper spokesperson Olivia Butrymovich said. “We didn’t know what to expect going in. We moved the day to Wednesdays and were very productive with those sales.”
Play Forever Fridays got cut short last season due to the pandemic, and the program was rebranded to Play it Forward over the summer and expanded to aid pandemic relief on top of assisting environment- and sports-focused nonprofits. Because Friday was a popular skiing day, Copper moved the fundraising dates to Wednesdays to drive midwee