If you will. Again incredibly important that to put things in context depending how you look at the numbers it is between 1. 5 to 2 million professional responders in the United States, fire, police and other medical related resources. Under the very best circumstances that is one responder per 150 citizens. We tend to lack on the focus of how how do we empower the people to care for them themselves and it goes beyond Public Service announcements. An excellent example in my mind is the external bilbray the defibrillator. There needed to be a cardiologist and the full that the full resources of an emergency room to provide the care. As a direct result of technology and research, we lowered the barrier to entry where quite frankly if youre bright enough to understand 30 of the 40 different languages and operate a fire extinguisher you can defibrillator somebody. There is the convergence response that first started in california as many things have and it is based on the fact that the tru
Most Canadians surely believe their society is governed by the rule of law. We all have rights and freedoms, safeguarded by the courts, that protect us from the tyranny of the state. All of that is mirage, argues Bruce Pardy. In this provocative.
As Russia suspends New START, the sooner the Ukraine war ends, the sooner the U.S. and Russia can work to preserve arms control to avert the ultimate disaster.
By Scott Ritter
Special to Consortium News
Russia experts and national security specialists will be poring over the text of Russian