Two international affairs experts spoke to Sputnik about how America convinces its European allies to sink money into Ukraine amidst its own internal dysfunction.
President Joe Biden met with congressional leaders and warned them that not approving additional funding for Ukraine could possibly result in the deployment of US troops to that country, White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said on Thursday.
The head of NATO’s committee of military chiefs urged the alliance’s members to “expect the unexpected” and warned “the tectonic plates of power are shifting,” at a meeting in Brussels Wednesday.
In the waning days of the Cold War US Secretary of State James Baker made a solemn vow to Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward” beyond a reunited Germany, a promise that was broken in just nine years. Now Russian leaders feel vindicated as the rest of the world is waking up to the increasingly capricious and self-serving nature of 21st-century US foreign policy.
Amid Kiev’s flopped counteroffensive, with corruption and low morale eating away at Ukraine s Army, the popularity of funding the increasingly dysfunctional regime has been plummeting, forcing the US to revise “instructions” it hands down to its proxy war ally.