okay, remember pelosile i maskalunas remember this is a great moment because shehe wah getting her hair done. i don t see a mask hair on eitha there are no masks therend either. and the list goes on and on .in some democrats are finally seeing the writing on the wall finallyhe catching up to reality as democratic governors in california, new jerseyup, connecticut, delaware all announcing they re ending the massive mandatesouou of a school. hello, mayor. governor hochul anyway here with that. the latest is tulsi gabbard is with us.es welcome back, tulsi. i know you don t want to i know you didn t come prepared to ask a question tonight , but i came prepared to answer any question you have because i m going to let you turn the tables on me any time you want. i think this is more than thanis just the hypocrisy when when you look at all of i us , why aren t they following the john hopkins science? nobody mentions why aren t they following the science on therapeutics and the science on youn