Um, others will be joining us. They had different time commitments, so well just let everyone speak when they arrive. But i want to thank all the senators who have fought on this issue so hard. I want to thank senator boxer for her tremendous work on this issue and for being a tireless partner and leader in this effort on behalf of our brave members of the services. I also want to thank senator collins for standing firmly with us since day one when we introduced the bill as well as senator grassley for being a true champion on this issue. Oh, i just thanked you. So ill say that again. I want to thank senator boxer for her tremendous work on this issue and for being an amazing advocate, an unbelievable champion for victims and someone who has worked so tirelessly from the very beginning. I also want to thank senator blumenthal, senator jeanne shaheen, kay hagan and Lisa Murkowski who have been working with us steadily on the committee from the very beginning as well. Today i want to tha
Лидеры политического крыла талибов объявили, что прекращают наступление, чтобы договорится о мирной сдаче города. Однако сообщается о боях в некоторых частях Кабула