Location: Burkina Faso
Event: Security Reminder and Upcoming Elections on 22 November 2020
As we approach the elections in Burkina Faso, the U.S. Embassy would like to take this opportunity to remind American Citizens about the importance of personal security. The risk of terrorist attacks and kidnappings remains high as terrorist organizations continue to operate throughout the country. These organizations may attempt to conduct attacks on or around the elections scheduled for 22 November 2020.
U.S. citizens are advised to exercise caution and additional vigilance while attending gathering places, including places of worship, schools, markets, and restaurants – particularly those frequented by westerners. There continues to be a heightened risk of kidnapping, robbery, and assault throughout Burkina Faso.
mercredi 30 décembre 2020 à 22h30min
Lieu : Ouagadougou
Événement : L’ambassade des États-Unis rappelle aux citoyens américains que les groupes terroristes continuent de planifier des attaques au Burkina Faso et peuvent planifier des attaques pendant les vacances du Nouvel An 2021.
En conséquence, l’ambassade a informé ses employés d’éviter les hôtels et restaurants fréquentés par les expatriés et les occidentaux pendant les vacances du Nouvel An, car ces lieux ont historiquement été la cible d’attaques terroristes à Ouagadougou.
Les terroristes peuvent mener des attaques avec peu ou pas d’avertissement contre des endroits à Ouagadougou, y compris des hôtels fréquentés par des Occidentaux.
Security Alert: Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Security Awareness during the Holidays Subject: Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (December 30, 2020)
Location: Ouagadougou
Event: The U.S. Embassy reminds U.S. citizens that terrorist groups continue plotting attacks in Burkina Faso and may be planning attacks over the 2021 New Year’s holiday.
As a result, the Embassy has informed its employees to avoid hotels and restaurants frequented by expatriates and Westerners over the New Year’s holiday, as these locations have historically been the target of terrorist attacks in Ouagadougou.
Terrorists may conduct attacks with little or no warning against locations in Ouagadougou including hotels frequented by Westerners.