Users with the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) can run AI jobs on the organization's Perlmutter supercomputer for half-price this month. In the midst of a lack of worldwide availability of computing horsepower for AI workloads, the facility – which operates on behalf of the US Department for Energy's Office of Science – is changing the equation. Between September 7 and October 1, those registered with the organization will be charged half the normal charges. For example, a three-hour job that normally runs on seven nodes would incur a charge of 21 GPU node-hours – but throughout September, it will be charged 10.5 GPU node-hours. Perlmutter's A100 GPUs "Using your time now benefits the entire NERSC community and spreads demand more evenly throughout the year, so to encourage usage now, we are discounting all jobs run on the Perlmutter GPU nodes by 50% starting tomorrow and through the end of September," wrote user engagement gr