The Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) formally inducted another consignment of Russian jets and helicopters in a ceremony on 19 January, including a Su-25 ground-attack aircraft to replace the one that crashed in October 2022. One Su-25, five L-39s.
The partner governments have reaffirmed their joint commitment to developing the Next-Generation Weapon System (NGWS) element of the wider Future Combat Air System (FCAS)/Système de Combat Aérien du Futur (SCAF) programme. Remote Carrier ‘lo.
Kaman Corporation announced it will end the K-MAX production line, citing “low demand and variation in annual deliveries, coupled with low profitability and large working capital inventory requirements”, according to an 18 January statement..
The U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense teamed up to create a series of weld filler materials that could dramatically improve high-strength steel repair in v