policy that stop buildinge the wall, that stop domesticener energy production, those people that believe in defunding, dismantlin p people g the police people are crazy. yes, insane out of their minds. marjorie taylor greene will set the tone for the rest of us that is what that is . calle d why? because she called out the mr. griffin undecided plain-clothes at the whole point. her aalto is that what marjorie taylor greene believes? what i believe, what normal americans believe are you need to have a secure border. you need to be tough on china. t you need to treat children with respect, not try to change their genders whenre six years old need to put criminals behind bars, not let themo put back out on the street. that is normal. the dividingividing line. that s governor sanders was talking about steven green is not saying she is normal. she s manged. am. i want to say first, we reut talking about policies. s 80% of the country agrees
kidnapping. kidnapping which is one of these scuredges that doesn t really exist for the most part of the united states she is afraid of it. anything personalized he will only wear inside the house. i feel so sorry with for this kid. akk i can t return it and go by nefarious things. with formula costing us $80 a week it s always nice to be able to return items he doesn t need to get formula instead. basically a fundraiser disguised as a birthday party. i would love to be invited to her party. we don t have her name unfortunately because it s been redacted from the email. do you do this when you invite children to your first birthday parties? do you send a registry. i love the things she is asking for. put them on facebook page. unreal. headlines this saturday morning. parents of a u.s. marine jailed in iran say the obama administration is not doing enough to bring him home. amir hekmati was arrested for spying in 2011 and awaiting a retrial after his