The show will be produced by Panorama Entertainment and they have produced many successful shows and movies. The new offering revolves around Mangal, the ultimate multitasker, juggling the roles of a daughter, wife, and daughter-in-law while also raising her younger sister, Lakshmi. |
The channel is all set to launch a new show titled Mangal Lakshmi starring Deepika Singh and Naman Shaw. This is the first project that Deepika Singh and Naman Shaw have signed as they were on a long break from work. |
The channel is all set to launch a new show titled Mangal Lakshmi starring Deepika Singh and Naman Shaw. The show will be produced by Panorama Entertainment. |
COLORS is known to be launching good shows with great storyline and script. Now the channel is coming up with a new show titled "Mangal Lakshmi" starring Deepika Singh and Naman Shaw. |