Roth Capital restated their buy rating on shares of Ur-Energy (NYSEAMERICAN:URG – Get Rating) (TSE:URE) in a report issued on Friday, reports. Several other research firms also recently commented on URG. HC Wainwright reissued a buy rating and issued a $3.00 target price on shares of Ur-Energy in a report on Monday, February 13th. […]
Ur-Energy Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:URG – Get Rating) (TSE:URE)’s stock price dropped 4.7% during mid-day trading on Monday . The stock traded as low as $1.00 and last traded at $1.01. Approximately 1,902,964 shares traded hands during trading, an increase of 29% from the average daily volume of 1,476,270 shares. The stock had previously closed at $1.06. […]
Students from Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School for Innovation brought home a Freddie G. Excellence in Ensemble Work award, plus some individual awards, from a national junior theater festival held
A special transmitter jacket and a hat, which automatically changes its colour according to a traffic signal, have been prepared for traffic police personnel deployed at different junctions to manage vehicular movement in Chhattisgarh s Durg.