for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn t pay. at this hour civil rights organizations are hold ag press conference in harlem, reacting to the non-indictment of the officer in the eric garner death. we ooet eel listen to the president of the national urban leak, mark loria. and social justice organizations met this morning here at the house of justice. we met with a number of us in the room, with many, many others who were on the phone, and we met today because of the urgency of the moment. the urgency of the moment is a
cholesterol and insulin resistance. a mediterranean dieted boosted hdl, or good cholesterol. disturbing new numbers from the national urban leak. while 12% of white americans don t have health insurance, more than 20% of black americans are uninsured. all this week msnbc has been taking a look at the block agenda, and efforts underway to build a stronger america. dr. ian smith is launching a nationwide campaign of free health clinics for underserved black american ace cross the country and he joins me from chicago. good morning. good to see you, doctor. good morning, chris. good to see you. tell us a little about these clinics. sure. well, the event is called the makeover mile. the idea is simple. take underserved communities, walk one mile with them at their leisure and end up at a cvs pharmacy where we have free parties, pharmacies. a program called live positively