„As the world’s electronic channels fundamentally change traditional business models, the commercial real estate market is also undergoing a turning point. When we launched the hub project near Kaunas, we immediately felt a huge hunger among businesses for new and mixed-use spaces that would accommodate e-commerce, logistics, and customer service. So we are not hesitating to take on a similar project in the capital, where we expect to invest around €30 million. Upon establishing Urban Hubs in major cities, close to the country’s busiest transport arteries in Lithuania, we foresee further expansion abroad,“ says Giedrius Muliuolis, CEO of SBA Urban.
After SBA Urban launched an international architectural concept selection, the team received six concepts from Denmark, Spain, Lithuania and Finland. The Danish architectural firm’s – PLH – idea wast the one that team has been looking for. PLH has worked with SBA on the first building of the Green Hall business valley 13 years ago. PLH's Urban Hub concept combines the habits and preferences of the modern shopper with the architecture and vibrancy of an old town district.