I congratulate Dr. Upul Wijayawardena for his honest opinion expressed in
The Island of 5th March. The following is a further illustration of how the professionals are playing political games to further their own interests, with no concern for the health and well-being of the nation. Over the past few years, we have seen much untruths, hypocrisy and myths being propagated by professionals, misleading the ignorant public, creating social unrest, and even violence.
The campaign conducted blaming the fertilizer glyphosate as a cause of the epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin in the farming areas, mainly in the North Central province, was one burning issue then. There was no scientific evidence to prove this, despite the efforts of some professors in the medical faculty to find some. However, the importation of the fertilizer was banned mostly due to political expediency. One is not aware of any other country in the world doing so. When a visiting Sri Lankan expatriat