unfortunately, it does not. so as a public service, we have compiled this question and answer reel, with the author of that bill, congressman fred upton of michigan, so that he can correct anyone who thinks somewhat falsely this bill does what it says it does. the upton plan would allow people to keep the health plans they like. the gentleman needs to read our bill. it doesn t say that the insurance companies must sell those policies. we allow people to keep the insurance they used to have. it doesn t mandate the health insurance policy has to be granted again. joining us now is sally cohen, an activist and columnist with the daily beast and salon.com. michael steele, who, of course, is an msnbc analyst and former rnc chair. and in new york is jonathan alter, msnbc analyst and author. jonathan, let s just make this clear. the upton vote today was basically the 47th attempt to
they have just starting voting on the upton vote. within five minutes we might well know how many democrats will abandon the white house. see the house floor there. democrats wanted political cover, something to vote for. argued seriously against the vote. they said it was basically a trojan horse killing obama care. it s hard for them to be defending obama care. i ll be talking to bob casey momentarily in pennsylvania he told newspapers he thought something should be done before the white house was willing to accept this. lets talk about opening the door for the critics. we hadn t heard much until meet the press a week ago from mitt romney. now mitt romney coming up with charlie rose. lets watch charlie rose and mitt romney talk about the president s credibility. the real problem that the president has is a broken promise is dishonesty. that s what s striking at the heart. more that than bad management. ultimately people know systems are going to work.
that last little part there was so important. you can expect us to be announcing something sooner rather than later. does that have anything to do with the fact that there were democrats meeting with the administration today because that upton vote is coming to the floor on friday? that is right. good afternoon. i think it is all pushed by democrats who are running for the hills from this plan, this roll out. they are hearing from constituents. when you have california democratic senator diane feinstein who is not up for re-election and there are one million kalians losing their health insurance she is getting she said 30,000 calls in the last couple of weeks. she is signing onto mary s bill