New Delhi, Jan 19 (PTI) The Supreme Court on Friday directed the Congress in Uttar Pradesh to deposit Rs 1 crore as arrear towards hiring buses and taxis from UPSRTC during 1981 to 1989, when the party was in power in the state, for ferrying supporters for political rallies and visits of then prime ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.
UPSRTC is increasing the frequency of buses between Varanasi and Ayodhya to improve connectivity. Efforts are being made to develop Varanasi as a base point for tourists and improve connectivity to other religious tourist sites.
Amid the ongoing preparations for the Ram Temple consecration, the Uttar Pradesh Transport Department has issued instructions to play Ram Bhajans in the public address systems installed in UPSRTC buses until January 22.
Drivers should be told to operate buses at slow speed and maintain safe distance from vehicles ahead of theirs; use of unauthorized shortcuts on highways and expressways should never be allowed, he says