UPSC Civil Services Exam 2023: The Phase 3 interviews will be held from March 18 to April 9, 2024, for 817 candidates. The forenoon session requires candidates to report at 9am, while the afternoon session reporting time is 1pm.
UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 Result LIVE Updates: As soon as the result is published, IAS aspirants can download the UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2023 by visiting the official website at
UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 Result Date: As soon as the result is published, IAS aspirants can download the UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2023 by visiting the official website at aaa
UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2023 Date: The petition requests that the tribunal either direct the Commission to lower the cut-off or conduct a re-examination of Paper II as part of the Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2023. aaa
As there is just a week left for the UPSC CSE Prelims examination 2023, here are some last minute tips for candidates appearing for the test on May 28.