so now everyone knows. we have some of thfreshejuice. see what the power of points can do for yousiness. learn mo at see what the power of points can do for yousiness. if youave dete to severe plaque psoriasis, t it time to let the realouhine through inoducing otezla (remilast). otla inot an injectioor aream it s a pill thatreats plaque psoriasis diertly. with otea, % clearer skin is achievab afr just 4 mth with reded redss, with otea, thickness, and scalins of plaques d thotezla escribing informion and scalins of plaques has no requirement f route lab monitong. don t take otezla if you arellergic to anyf its ingrients. otla mayncrease the risk of depression. tell yr door you have or scidalthouts, depression or if these feings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight ss. your doctor should monitor your weight and y stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, useaupper respiratory tract infectn,
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