Renewable Energy is projected to dominate the global energy scene within a decade or so. Global supply of renewable energy rose by 8pc in 2022 in total energy supplies from all resources compared to its nominal share in previous years. Many.
Pakistan plans to gradually reduce its dependence on fossil fuels for power generation and to progressively shift to utilising renewable energy resources optimally. The policy framework, known as the Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan .
Many farmers in Gujrat city of Pakistan s Punjab province have lodged a strong protest on Friday saying that the government is trying to snatch their fertile lands for industrial purposes.
Many farmers in Gujrat city of Pakistan Punjab province have lodged a strong protest on Friday saying that the government is trying to snatch their fertile
Many farmers in Gujrat city of Pakistan Punjab province have lodged a strong protest on Friday saying that the government is trying to snatch their fertile