A distraught person wanting to cause mass casualty. Before we label that it will be a matter of process. Have you found information as to what the motive was . No, we have not located any items within the room or his house at this point. [inaudible question] it was a matter of normal practice. Whenever we use a dynamic entry. Was there anything else in the hotel room that made you think aside from the number of weapons that made you think he had been there for a while . We have information he has been there since the 28th of september. So i have no idea as whether he prevented the housekeepers from entering the room or not. Thats just a matter of continued investigation. All right, thank you very much. Well provide you an update probably in the next two hours. Thank you. Bill sheriff lombardo has become the face of this unbelievable horrendous National Tragedy from las vegas overnight. New information there. Police confirming the suspect was dead in his room as police entered that room