Although poorly maintained by the council since that time, the kerbstones of these two pathways are still in place today.
In March 1945 EUDC further resolved to install a public sewer along the length of Upherds Lane at a cost to the public purse of £720.0s.0d, including repair to the construction of the lane.
Extensive potholes in Upherds Lane, Ely
- Credit: Harry Rutter / Archant
Further efforts by residents of the lane to require the council to bring the road up to a reasonable standard were opposed by the council until, in May 1956, when in an effort to resolve the dispute, a legal opinion was sought from the local solicitors, Hall, Ennion and Young.
“But it’s not fair on the tax paying public and the fleet accessing this private road.” .
Upherds Lane had been given a red rating in a council survey, meaning its condition was a major risk to refuse vehicles and employees.
- Credit: Harry Rutter / Archant
The road had been given a red rating in a council survey, meaning its condition was a major risk to refuse vehicles and employees – and substantial remedial work was required.
Although the road is wide, it has extensive and deep pot holes which the council says waste trucks have difficulties navigating.
The council’s trading arm East Cambs Street Scene has been collecting refuse as normal for Upherds Lane residents throughout the pandemic.