No hurdle too high for differently-abled Jharkhand teen teaching village children
Upendra Kumar Yadav, 18, has been giving free of cost lessons to these children every day for 10 months because he doesn’t want the children to remain uneducated.
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Upendra Kumar Yadav, 18, has been giving free-of-cost lessons to these children every day for 10 months because he doesn’t want the children to remain uneducated. (Photo | EPS)
RANCHI: “Our parents are not educated enough to guide us, but Upendra Sir has been guiding us in completing our courses at a time when our schools are closed,” said Aarti Kumari.Aarti is a Class III student and ‘Upendra Sir’ is a teenager studying in Class XII. Physically challenged, it takes him about half-an-hour to cover a distance of one km to reach his ‘class’, which is an abandoned school near Sarrayakandri village in Jharkhand’s Maoist hotbed of Chatra district. But he does not mind taking the pain beca