TIE Fighter: Total Conversion (TFTC) mod for Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
The TIE Fighter Total Conversion (TFTC) project is aimed at porting the original classic 1994 LucasArts game TIE Fighter, into the 1999 X-Wing Alliance (XWA) engine. Based on the original TFTC from 2005 and built upon the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade project, this is a complete overhaul of the game from graphics to gameplay. All 13 battle campaigns and their training missions have been ported over along with 8 Reimagined battle campaigns, taking advantage of the much better XWA engine and imagining how TIE Fighter could ve been had the technology of the time not limited it. But here s a general breakdown of what you can expect from this mod!
Update 8.50 is here
Sony has now released a new system update for the PS4 console. This arrives around the same day and time that a big PS5 system update is also available.
The new 8.50 PS4 system update should be rolling out today for all users. The size of the firmware is only around 481 MB. With that size, it shouldn’t take users too much time to download and install it.
This update was available to beta testers a few weeks ago, but now everyone should be getting it. You can read the full patch notes for this update posted down below.
New Marvel s Avengers Update Released, Patch Notes Revealed
Marvel’s Avengers players got a new update this week that should improve performance and resolve some issues that were causing players’ games to crash. The same update added a notification that’ll warn players if their drivers ar out of date which could lead to issues with the game. Unfortunately for those playing on consoles, the update is only available for the PC platform via Steam, so there’s no multi-platform update to speak of this time.
The patch notes for the V1.4.1.26 update were shared through the game’s community page on Steam to detail exactly what was different following the release of the patch. From a quick look at the patch notes, it’s much more of a housekeeping update that resolves problems players have been experiencing as opposed to any meaty update with new features to check out. For those who have been experiencing some of the problems outlined in the patch notes, however, it’ll be
Call of Duty: Warzone Update Nerfs DMR, MAC-10 and More - Patch Notes
On 1/6/21 at 2:22 PM EST
Call of Duty: Warzone got a serverside update on January 6, and it s designed to nerf some of the most overpowered weapons in the game. Following the mandatory installation, the DMR, MAC-10 and others will be slightly less potent than they used to be. The patch notes were revealed by the game s developers at Raven Software via Twitter on Wednesday morning.
Call of Duty Warzone
January 6 Settings Update Patch Notes Call of Duty: Warzone got an update on January 6 to nerf the DMR, MAC-10 and more. The patch notes are below. Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.