it is saturday, august 4th. good morning and glad you are with us. i am randi kaye. we start with wildfires in oklahoma. 100 homes are being threatened. the fires are being pushed by strong winds. the worst is in cleveland county south of oklahoma city. joining me is kelly cain for the oklahoma department of emergency management. good morning. are evacuations being ordered at this hour? we haven t had new evacuations overnight which is good news, but we are definitely still watching these fires. they were so dangerous yesterday and we had a couple of small fires that popped up overnight. we are keeping a good eye on things and have been looking in the morning at what resources are needed. we are looking at the incredible video of the fires burning. how many fires are you dealing with? do you have any idea? more than 12 fires were reported to our office yesterday. we know there additional fires that were not reported. we had about probably six large fires that we were