Dynamic Advisor Solutions LLC lifted its holdings in Invesco Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt ETF (NYSEARCA:PCY – Get Rating) by 12.9% in the fourth quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The fund owned 25,886 shares of the company’s stock after buying an additional 2,965 shares during the period. Dynamic Advisor Solutions LLC’s holdings in Invesco Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt […]
Lubelskie: Pride of Poland 2021. Sprzedano konie za blisko 1,6 mln euro - wydarzenia.interia.pl - W niedzielę w Janowie Podlaskim odbyła się 52. aukcja Pride of Poland. Na licytację wystawiono 16 koni arabskich. Kupcy, którzy przyjechali na wydarzenie
U.S. Bonds Still Disappoint. But EM Debt ETFs Are Going Strong March 12, 2021
Investors are still disappointed with many income-generating assets as interest rates remain low, but with the dollar weak, emerging markets debt is growing increasingly appealing. Enter the
PCY is based on the DBIQ Emerging Market USD Liquid Balanced Index. The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its total assets in securities that comprise the Index (the ‘Index’). The Index tracks the potential returns of a theoretical portfolio of liquid emerging markets US dollar-denominated government bonds issued by more than 20 emerging-market countries. The countries in the Index are selected annually pursuant to a proprietary index methodology, and the fund as well as the index are re-balanced and reconstituted quarterly.