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PLANNING WATCH-On Monday I read Judge David Carter’s 110 page legal decision and judicial orders regarding homelessness in Los Angeles, mostly in Downtown LA ‘s (DTLA) Skid Row (LA ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, et al. v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES, et al.).
This suit was initiated by the LA Alliance for Human Rights, an organization representing downtown property owners and residents, but not such prominent homeless advocates as LACAN. Judge Carter’s opening sections offer a detailed account of residential racism in Los Angeles, especially how elected officials used the LAPD to maintain LA’s Skid Row homeless containment zone. For anyone who wants to learn this history, Judge Carter’s decision is an excellent and accessible read.
NEED MORE THAN SUBURBS Anybody who pays attention to the news knows that there’s a heated, ongoing debate in LA, and across California, about how to solve our housing problems.
There are lots of different proposals floating around, but the message we hear most often from elected officials and the development community is that we have to up-zone to allow a whole lot more density. The argument goes that it’s just a matter of supply and demand. If we up-zone our cities and up-zone our suburbs, that will unleash the power of the free market and we’ll have plenty of cheap housing for everybody.
PLANNING WATCH-The Los Angeles Times has changed ownership several times in recent decades, but its support for speculative real estate bubbles has never wavered.
This was on full display in its recent editorial, “L.A. can begin to solve its affordable housing crisis in 2021.” The article’s essence was that the update of LA’s Housing Element – a section of LA’s rickety General Plan should be used to increase the market value of private parcels through widespread up-zoning. In short, if real estate developers could build larger, taller, denser buildings on in-fill sites, the market values of these parcels will soar. Property owners can then either flip their property to pocket this windfall, or they can invest in expensive apartment buildings for long-term profits. Either way the LAT’s zoning deregulation proposal enriches them.
Big Bamboozle #2 – How LA Hopes to Extend a Real Estate Boom and Hold off its Eventual Bust Details
bamboozle, a cavalier exercise to reverse engineer zone changes that further enrich real estate speculators already profiting from a housing boom.
It only took a week for hard evidence to appear that confirms this analysis. It is tucked away in the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and supportive Initial Study for the Housing Element’s Environmental Impact Review (EIR). While few people have the time to examine these documents, they reveal that that City Hall’s commitment to ending homelessness is only a convenient cover story. They buttress City Hall’s conviction that Los Angeles can grow its way out of overlapping crises by feeding the real estate sector’s appetite (for higher profits).