dog peanut. officially,according to apple weather the sunrise well it looks like the sun has risen. ainsley: what time? steve: 7:07. six minutes away from. ainsley: what type of dog is peanut. steve: congresser spaniel. they took them out to peter and hillary to look at the baby. the dog went wild. ainsley: if the congresser spaniel peanut ever has babies give them to brian. he needs more dogs. brian: up to 3. a thousand pounds of dogs. ainsley: biggest one weighs 140. biggest one 144, next one is 128 and now my puppy is now 93. ainsley: your first dog or biggest dog weighs more than all the women in your family. brian: absolutely, yeah. i will weigh in all the women today. [laughter] ainsley: not a good idea. at the will tell you they are
About 2,500-3,000 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 10,000 injured since the start of Russia’s special military operation, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said. "Judging by the figures that we have, we believe we had lost from 2,500 to 3,000 servicemen