Estimated contract value is Rs 2500 croreWelspun Enterprises in Joint Venture with Kaveri Infraprojects, Hyderabad is empanelled by the UP State Water and Sanitation
Mission, Namami Gange and Rural Water Supply Department (SWSM) for execution of EPC Projects in 2544 villages across Varanasi, Ayodhya and Meerut for the Project of Survey, Design, Preparation of DPR, Construction, Commissioning
and Operation and Maintenance for 10 years of Rural Water Supply.
The estimated aggregate contract value of the above Projects is Rs. 2,500 crores (excluding O&M value and
GST). The final value will be determined on completion of preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) by
us and its approval by the SWSM. Preparation of DPR and Construction of the Project is to be progressively
Welspun Enterprises in joint venture with Hyderabad-based Kaveri Infraprojects is empanelled by the UP State Water and Sanitation Mission, Namami Gange and Rural Water Supply Department (SWSM) for execution of EPC projects.The joint venture is empanelled for the project of survey, design, preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR), construction, commissioning and operation and maintenance for 10 years of water supply in 2544 villages in Varanasi, Ayodhya and Meerut.
The estimated aggregate contract value of the above Projects is Rs 2,500 crore. The final value will be determined on completion of preparation of DPR. Preparation of DPR and construction of the project is to be progressively completed in 21 to 28 months and thereafter operated and maintained by the company for 10 years.