The Ghazipur district administration in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday seized two plots of land, measuring 1.901 hectares and valued at over Rs 6 crore, that was purchased using illegal earnings of jailed former MLA Mukhtar Ansari, police said.
Seven Vehicles Of UP Police Reach Punjab To Take Custody Of Mukhtar Ansari
Punjab s home department in a letter had asked the Uttar Pradesh government to take custody of Mukhtar Ansari from the Rupnagar jail on or before April 8. PTI Outlook Web Bureau 2021-04-06T10:00:12+05:30 Seven Vehicles Of UP Police Reach Punjab To Take Custody Of Mukhtar Ansari 2021-04-06T10:02:30+05:30
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Ansari faces trial in several cases in the state.
Around seven vehicles of the Uttar Pradesh Police reached the Rupnagar Police Lines around 4:30 am, they said.
The Police Lines is around four kilometres away from the Rupnagar jail, where Ansari has been lodged since January 2019 in connection with an extortion case.